Create a Linkedin Profile Banner with Cloudinary

Design and create a Linkedin Profile background Image using Cloudinary Transformation presets.

Perfect Banner Images Every Time

Use upload presets to generate millions of opportunities for designers and frontend developers to mold and create.

Personal Linkedin Profile Banner Design

Design and create a Linkedin Profile background Image using Cloudinary Transformation presets.

Designing a Linkedin Profile Banner

Designing a custom linkedin profile banner with cloudinary transformation presets.

Cloudinary Tutorials - LinkedIn Profile Banner

Linkedin Profile Banner Dimensions

396 Pixels in Height

The image needs to be 396px tall to fit your linkedin profile banner.

1584 Pixels Wide

Additionally, your transformation preset width should be set to 1,584px wide.

Free Linkedin Profile Banners

Use the free images below for your own banner image or use them as transformations.


City Skyline Illustration

Trees in Nature

Desert Landscape

Sunset Illustration

Floral Pattern

