Google Developer Experts actively contribute and support the developer and startup ecosystems around the world, helping them build and launch highly innovative apps.
GDE's earn most of their salaries through private consulting work for large companies.
A typical GDE earns $160,809 per year.A Google Developers Expert (GDE) is a person recognized by Google Inc. as having exemplary expertise in one or more of their Google Developers products. GDEs are awarded through the Google Developers Experts program established and administered by Google
As of February 2019, there are 738 people with this designation.
GDEs are not permitted to "make any statements on behalf of Google or any Google company" and be clear that any opinions are not those of Google.
Each Google Developers Expert is fully responsible for their services, and is not affiliated with Google nor do they offer services on behalf of Google. Customers are fully responsible for their use of services, if any. Google will have no liability for any products or services provided by an Expert.
All Experts are featured on the Directory page and have an individual public profile on the program website to help promote their relationship with Google.
The Google Developer Experts program initially started in Japan as the Google Developer API Expert program. In July 2012 Google renamed it to Google Developers Expert program and made it available to developers around the world. In 2014 the official Google Developers Expert site started referring to the program as Google Developer Experts.
Experts are invited to join closed communities and mailing lists designed to help program members share learnings and best practices.
My trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.